5 Ideas to Celebrate the Festive Season Safely


Looking for ways to celebrate your successes and reward those who have held the business up during these unsteady times? Remote working has challenged our usual lines of communication and collaboration, but with the holiday season in full swing, it makes it a great time to reunite and bond with your teammates.

We’ve put together our top five celebration treats for your staff this year where you can support some local businesses while doing so!

1. Virtual Christmas party

For companies struggling with the challenges of holding an in real life celebration due to capacity limits or out-of-town colleagues - the pros of holding a virtual Christmas party are looking better and better! Revive your virtual celebrations with a wine and paint night or a virtual quiz night this is a great way to share the year’s successes with the team.

Try out one of the Black Pineapple Co’s virtual cocktail masterclasses, designed with corporates and teams in mind. They have put together a fine selection of cocktail packages for groups of 20 or more, which are delivered to your door and presented over zoom. You’ll be bound to have a great time with the stress of planning taken off your mind.

2. Outdoor celebrations

Take the office party and holiday spirits outdoors this year and set up your end of year celebrations seaside or at the park. This is a great way to support locals by organising a food truck to cater or by organising some live music!

Check out these food trucks for some inspiration:

  • Amaranto will bring the wow factor with their authentic Italian pasta

  • Wood Spirit for wood-fired sourdough Turkish flatbread

  • Carmel - Israeli Street Food

3. Extending holidays or offering extended flexible working options

With border restrictions easing soon this will allow employees the flexibility to reunite with their loved ones and take a well-deserved break from their work from home set up – coming back in the new year feeling very refreshed!

4. Send a gift to their home

From hampers with delicious treats, luxury personalised gifts, or even DIY baking adventures employees can share with their family…this is a great way to show employees your gratitude.

If you’re not sure where to start, check out Taken Care Of for personalised gifts that beautifully reflect the person you are gifting it to.

5. Restaurant gift vouchers

Spoil your employees with a delicious meal to look forward to while giving a much-needed boost to a local eatery! Whether that’s pre-paid coffee vouchers for the local team favourite café or a voucher for the new eatery everyone has been dying to try.