Five things to think about as 2022 comes to a close!

Wow, the end of 2022 is almost here, what a year! While no two years are ever the same, it’s fair to say 2022 has been a unique blend of returning to ‘normality’ in a ‘living with COVID’ sense, mixed with scraping around in the dark to remember what normal was and shape what a new normal is!

Here’s a few things to think about heading into the Christmas break:

1.       Recharging the batteries – I recently read a piece that speculated the reason we’ve all felt so tired this year is no-one really felt that they started the year on a full tank. Some might not be feeling this way, but there certainly many are who are! A year ago, in the HR and People Safety space – we were consumed with COVID-19 considerations including the place of requirements around vaccinations it’s hard to remember there was a gap between the years! Over the holiday period, take time to recharge in the fashion that best suits you!

2.       Don’t be too hard on yourself – you could be like me where there were some projects you wanted to complete this year and the hours of the day just didn’t allow this to happen. Don’t be too hard on yourself for this and remember that recharging the batteries (tip #1) is one of the best things you can do to set yourself up for success in 2023. We’ll talk more in 2023 about planning ahead, setting realistic priorities and ensuring you are set up from a people perspective to achieve your goals.

3.       Say thanks to those around you – a little gratitude goes along way as you close the chapter on the year. When our team members have time to take a break and reflect over the new year, think about what do you want their memories of the year to be? How do we help shape a last impression that sits well going into a break?

4.       Remember not everyone is having a break! We are so lucky to work with a diverse group of businesses – ranging from those who close completely at this time, to those who operate a skeleton or reduced staff to keep things ticking over, to those who this is their peak season and break time will come in January or down the track. Shape your messaging with this in mind. For those who are missing family time to help on the work front, a special thanks and acknowledgement of this goes a long way.

5.       Put some time aside to talk to us in the new year – failing to plan is planning to fail. We’re looking forward to talking to you all in the new year to discuss your people plans and what we can do to set you up for success in 2023!

Core HR operate a skeleton staff until 09 January 2023. Please contact for any enquiries and we’ll be in touch in the new year. For any urgent HR needs, please contact the on-call HR Business Partner.