Lifting Employee Engagement During Level 4


The rapid imposition of COVID-19 restrictions and return to regular COVID-19 tracking will directly impact the mental health and ability of work from employees. As we find our groove of working from home during these sudden lockdowns, it is easy for employees to lose energy and initiative. Everyone will adjust to their “new normal” at their own speed. As business owners and managers, it is crucial to acknowledge that this is okay and to encourage a culture that continues to spark employee engagement.

Here are some simple ways we hope can empower you to keep your employees safe and engaged while working from home:

Daily Pulse Checks –

As we like to call them at Core HR, pulse checks or regular check-ins- are a motivating way to break up your employee’s day and restore a sense of connection. Think of it as a virtual coffee break. It brings the team together for a regular catch up and opens a discussion to talk about topics unrelated to their day-to-day work responsibilities. Employees may look forward to this as they get to speak to someone outside of their bubble – which for some could mean bringing in some well-deserved adult conversation for the day!

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Being Considerate of Employee’s Schedules –

It is essential to consider the challenging effects lockdown may have on your employee’s home life and maintain a work-life balance culture. There will be those who have parenting duties, those who take care of family members, or those who may need to take extra care of themselves – lockdown can take a toll differently on everyone’s personal situations. Adapting to these schedules can involve recording meetings for those who cannot attend, assessing capacity and redirecting workflow to those who have extra capacity.

Making Sure Employees Understand What Benefits and Resources Are Available –

Promote and encourage your employees to take advantage of the support your business offers. From Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) to flexible hours and health and wellness benefits – this is a crucial time to ensure employees are being cared for and have access to these resources. EAPs are a very beneficial program to help with workplace mental health and may also offer access to free therapy. By encouraging employees to take advantage of these benefits, employers are contributing to a culture of prevention.

The Mental Health Foundation of NZ has organised the “Getting through Together” campaign that targets well-being in the workplace, sharing super useful resources on promoting a supportive environment for employees during lockdowns.


Virtual Celebrations –

Last but certainly not least, let’s not forget those important celebrations that would have taken place in the next few weeks, from birthdays to work milestones. Although we cannot celebrate with a bottle of champagne this month, employees will feel valued when we must get a bit cleverer! Get creative and have fun by organising virtual celebrations through Zoom meetings to show employees they are appreciated and supported through these challenging times. Send email invitations and make a theme! It’s a great way to get all employees engaged as they all take part in the milestone - fostering a strong sense of belonging.


For further HR support and COVID-19 employer information visit our COVID-19 Employer Information Guide or get in touch with one of our Consultants HERE.

More Covid-19 Resources: